Ever since HSC finished I've had so much bloody time, and what does someone amazing like me do when he has too much time on his hands? Read novels of course! Anyway, I've just finished Lirael, the second novel in the most amazing fantasy series of all time, Garth Nix's
Old Kingdom not-so-Trilogy (not a trilogy anymore because he confirmed he's writing a prequel AND a sequel!! ZOMG *
Seriously, you should read it. It's one of the most imaginative fantasy series there is, being fantasy without having elves (thank GOD) or dragons or anything else so cliche I would sitck 2 fingers down my throat and puke half digested cake all over it (Or not. Depends on how well it was written. I still want to finish that Elizabeth Haydon series. Half-blood something?) The concept of necromancy, and the bells and free magic v.s. Charter magic is SO KEWL (I know, some of you don't agree it's that kewl *cough cough*).
Sabriel is TEH coolest character. And Mogget. And the Dog. And Lirael. And everyone except Sameth and Ellimere. Sabriel and Touchstone may be hot, but they made some fugly kids. I wonder if they would make movie out of it. Hmmm. Anyway, here's the cover of the Old Kingdom books as I read them:

Speaking of fantasy novels I read recently, how can I forget the TWILIGHT series! *
Hears the screams of thousands of silly fan-girls*. Even admitting I read these books is a serious mark (like a huge ugly black bleeding hole) against my morals, character and sanity. YES. I CONFESS. I READ THREE THICK BOOKS ABOUT VAMPIRE/WEREWOLF ROMANCE. SHOOT ME.
I am so ashamed of myself. Well to be honest, they weren't half bad. Big Underworld rip-off, the whole vampires/werewolf rivalry till the end of time. Apparently Stephanie Meyer can go suck Anne Rice's saggy skin because she pales in comparison to her Great Vampiriness. According to various sources anyway. I tried reading
Interview with a Vampire and gave up before I died of boredom. Ah well. Anyway, the Twilight Series had really nice book covers:

Next stop, DEATH GATE CYCLE. Why am I re-reading all these books??