Back to Blogger! wOOts!! Such a weird feeling coming back here after deleting my old blog; very nostalgic indeed. It's nice to face the Big-B again. Ahead we go, signing-in with my Gmail account (I didn't wanna have to switch from my old blogger account dammit!!), to write about all the weird things that happen in my life that no-one really cares about.
[Actually I did manage to get about 80 hits a day on the old blog, with a total of hundreds of thousands of hits, but that's another story. Pretty cool, eh? Anyway it turned into a porn-site, MAJOR wtf. And don't expect a link anytime soon :P hehe...]
Anyway, being the OCD-freak I am, my blog HAD to be nice and pretty before I'd start blogging (not to mention PERSONAL; I'm a very bad non-conformist. Bite me.) Notice the lemons everywhere, including the favicon, me nice little HTML-work? Yes, there is a reason behind the citrus-fetish, albeit a rather lame one...
All this HTML deciphering is a pain in the butt. Well, at least you don't have to wait months for a Google Analytics account anymore! Now I can stalk all you people INSTANTLY!!
Joke, people! Joke.
Mood: Nostalgic, and tired. All this HTML work is giving me a headache...