Back again, after quite a while. Finally, some peace and quiet so I can rant about the final Harry Potter book. *Cries*. It's the LAST ONE!! Am I the only depressed one here?? I feel so sad that there isn't going to be another book after this one, nothing to look forward to anymore!!

Anyway, back to the last book. My sister pre-ordered it ages ago, and I had to go pick it up from Borders at Town Hall. When I went to the station OMFG THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS PASSED THROUGH!! Fake, duh, but it was SO magical, I can't explain it! The whole station was filled with steam as it passed through and the little kids on it were screaming "HARRY POTTER!!" and I got all excited and started running to see it. I felt like such a kid all over again. I guess nothing in the world except J. K. Rowling could make people at my age lose all our inhibitions and go nuts over a BOOK! That's why I'll miss it SO much...
God, I'm still having withdrawal symptoms. Anyway, I went to the city with Fatty, then I waited outside in the long queue going nuts, laughing like a loony. I was SO excited.
And then, FINALLY. It was in my hands. I ran all the way to the train and started reading it straight away. Intense stuff. Or so I thought....
!!! SPOILERS !!!
If you haven't Book 7 stop reading now!]
I read it really fast, I didn't want anyone to spoil it for me, but I can't help that I felt kinda disappointed. Umm, not GREATLY, just a little twinge of "Err. Is that it?" I think it's because it's the last book, we all kinda expected JKR to pull out something amazing, but it was ok. This is after a single read mind you. I might change my mind after a second time...
Notable/Favourite Parts:
HEDWIG. Omfg. JKR! Why?? That was totally uncalled for! KILLING Hedwig just for the heck of it. I mean, you already proved how ebil Voldy was when you killed what's her name, Charity Cabbage, but not Hedwig! And THEN you went and killed DOBBY!! FAR OUT!! THAT IS SO MEAN! I was on the verge of tears at that one. Stuff the humans, no one cares about them! Lupin, Tonks, Fred, etc. Pfffft! Who gives? But Hedwig and Dobby?!
"Here Lies Dobby, A Free Elf." *Sniff*...
MS WEASLEY YOU BEAST! Woohoo!! All-time favourite moment in all the books! You cannot get a better duel than that. Just the thought of plump Ms Weasley duelling that ugly scary Bellatrix and killing her, it's so funny. Haha, that was the most satisfying thing i've ever read^*. I can't wait for the 7th movie!!
"NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" - As she busts Bellatrix's ass.
Last, but definitely not least, Snape. *Gasps*. He is now, by far, my favourite character in the series. After all the seven books, all the hatred, mystery and WTF, it turns out he was the most enigmatic, selfless, romantic person out of them all. That Snape/Lily/Petunia flashback was so heart-wrentching! Snape's undying love for Lily, Petunia begging Dumbledore to let her into the wizarding world, it was so emotional! When Snape asked Harry to "
Look at me!" so he could see Lily's eyes one more time before he died....*Cries*. That was just so sad!!
Ok, so those were my favourite parts in the book, now, here's my rant after I finished the book for the first time. I dunno, its a bit emotional...
Emotional Rant:
OMFG. Can I scream really loud now? Yes?? Argh. I mean, yeh kudos to Rowling for finishing it but for crying out loud ALBUS-SEVERUS?? SCORPIUS?? WTF that epilogue wud’ve killed Voldy and ALL his skanky horcruxes in BOOK ONE I TELL YOU!! FLAT OUT he wud’ve had an orgasm over the evil of the the forced Ron/Hermione thing (he gets off on teh evilness of it; I mean seriously, JK ROWLING! RON = dumb red-headed insecure dood who never gets over his insecurity in the WHOLE BLOODY SERIES, whereas Hermione is the genius feisty biatch who gets INTERNATIONAL QUIDDITCH PLAYERS DOTING ON HER perky ASS and yet she hooks up with him and has two kids called joe and stacy (insert your favourite bogan names). FAR OUT. I just realised what a bloody waste of time book 1 to 7 were. ARGH I am so pissed at how bad and PREDICTABLE THAT ENDING WAS >_> It seemed so rushed and I dunno WTF. ACCIO HAGRID? LAZY MUCH? The middle was SO damn boring. AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS? Had nothing to do with it!! ARGHH. And Malfoy didn't get to do much AGAIN. *sigh*.
For the record, I don't think it was that bad anymore. Snape/Lily was worth the whole series. I know, i'm such a hopeless romantic.
Eating: A thin slice of light-rye Vienna bread toasted to crispness and covered with a thin layer of butter and honey. Most delicious.
SO sad! And depressed and nostalgic and happy and emotional all at once!!