Bad oral health...

GOSH. My mouth is just so painful these days! I have a bloody ulcer that's like my own frakkin' personal Mariana's Trench on my inner bottom lip AND my bloody tonsillitis is back. YES. The EFFING tonsillitis!

First things first. The ulcer that sunk the Titanic. JAYSUS. It is SO big. Normally ulcers in people's mouths (in my personal experience anyway) are pretty small. Like a dot. This one is a big momma. Like the Matriach of Ulcers. I accidentaly bit my lip in the same spot about 3 times and my body said STUFF YOU BITCH and made a massive ulcer. God it hurts so much. Putting Bonjela on it is so insanely painful (much more than normal; the stinging before the numb is like GAH) but is the only relief I have. Kenalog sucks balls.

I was considering not posting up a picture of the ulcer, since I'm still slightly grossed out by the last time I posted up some nasty bodily "malfunction", but gross is good so here's a picture:




Secondly, the tonsils. Ahhh the tonsils. Deary deary me. Anyone who knows me will tell you that my tonsils are not really lumps of tissue but actually demon minions from Hell. If your tonsils get infected/flare up as often as mine, I tell you good person, EFFING RIP THEM OUT.

But no. I'm a good son. I listen to my anti-western-medicine father. So I went to the doctor again (a new doctor actually, he's a nice one) for another round of "Woah! Your tonsils look terrible. Have some antibiotics." But this time I was like STUFF this I take too much antibiotics already it's not healthy and so he said, "Ok. I'll do one last big nasty long-course of antibiotics, and if nothing happens come back and we'll consider surgery."


Except now I'm on ultimate antibiotics for 2 months. FAR OUT. That's so long! My digestive system is gonna get killed. No! I need good bacteria!! Don't kill them!!

Ah too late. Tonsils suck.


Temperance 1 August 2008 at 1:01 am  

As someone who gets those mouth ulcers (from accidently biting my lip) more often then I would like. I can tell you that a diluted hydrogen peroxide mix can really speed up healing, just a drop or two fizzes and tastes funny a couple times a day. It can be bought over the counter at the drug store if you don't want to mix your own (sorry I don't remember the name but it says it is for cold sores.)